So I started reading this book called "
Crazy Love" last week and I have fell in love with it! I am doing a study on this book with my small group starting tomorrow. I have already read all the way up to chapter 7. I couldn't stop reading it once I picked it up. I have learn alot about myself in the past 7 chapters and I am sure I will learn a ton more in study this week on the first chapter! I am excited to dive into this and figured out what God wants for me and what I need to do to have a better relationship with him. Francis Chan really puts it into prespective when he talks about an extra in a movie and that person tells all there friends and family and they all sit down to watch this movie to see the scene where for "two-fifths of a second when you can see the back of your head" then he goes onto to say: "Now consider the movie of life.... God creates the world. (Were you alive then? Was God talking to you when He proclaimed "It is good" about all He had just made?)" Haley and I were talking over this at dinner Saturday night and it just really does make you think "Hey it isn't all about me!" It's all about him and what I am doing with my two-fifths of a second that I call life! My challenge for myself is this: Live a life that is truly in deep pursuit of Christ! I pray that I can continue this throughout the rest of my life and that I can make something of my two-fifths of a second!
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