So I have been thinking that it is time to branch out of my comfort zone and start doing things that 1) May make me uncomfortable, but are necessary & 2) Start trying to reach every Man, Woman, & Child with the good news of our Lord and Savior! I am an extremely shy person and have a very hard time meeting new people and introducing myself. (Maybe that is part of the reason why it is so hard for me to make and maintain friendships?) Well I decided Sunday that is is time to come out of my shell and start doing living for Him and not for myself! And it just so happened that God had something perfect planned for me.
I found out Sunday that our long time Bigenuf leader Daimy was no longer going to be able to lead us. She is now back to work full time and on top of that she is taking two classes and doesn't have anytime to manage anything with all she is doing plus being our leader. (When I say leader I mean, she is in charge of a group of people that volunteer every 3rd Sunday to work with the kids ages birth to 5 years.) Daimy has a big job to do every Sunday when we all serve. She has to float around to the three rooms that house the Creepers (ages birth to 18 mos) the walkers (ages 18 mos-3 yrs) and the Runners. (ages 3yrs-5yrs) She always stops and sees how she can serve us the workers. "Do you guys need any help in here?" " Is there anything that would make this easier for you guys?" and so on. She sits at the front desk and makes sure everyone gets checked in and to the places they are suppose to be. In the walkers & runners rooms we have lesson plans. We ask that the people that teach these two groups of children read over the lesson plans during the week so that they come into Church Sunday morning ready to go. That doesn't always happen. So basically you get my point, there is a lot of work that needs to be done.
So cue me. Daimy will be stepping down and I will be stepping up. I am very excited and honored to accept this position. I feel like this will help me more in my everyday career (of one day wanting to be a supervisor) and two help me with reaching the child part of every man, woman, & child. Also I am going to help in recruiting more volunteers to help us out in the Bigenuf/Kidzone ministries! This will also help me in branching out more and forcing myself to meet new people. This will probably be one of the hardest things for me to do but it is something that has to and will be done!
So I am excited to see what God has planned for me down this new avenue of my life. I can't wait to do His will.
If anyone lives in the area and is looking for a great Church please consider making Summit your home! And if you feel so lead please volunteer and work with these sweet wonderful children of God!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
4 days ago
hey! just saw your blog! glad you are writing. i always love reading blogs. very excited for you to be a team leader. i think you will really enjoy it. i just stepped down as well, but really enjoyed my time doing it.
Thank you Erin! I can use all the encouragement I can get! I am really excited about this new avenue of my life. Sorry to hear about you stepping down, but so glad you really enjoyed doing it!
that is so exciting!!! big job too you will do awesome at it! I too am taking on more things but not quite that much :/ just trying to reach out more for God and find more things to do for him :) I am praying for you
Thank you Haley! That is the samething I am trying to achive. To do more things for him!
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