Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Mouse pad makeover!

So I have had this nasty mouse pad that houses my mouse at work. It is something I see and use everyday and the look of it was killing me! I mean really how does a mouse pad get so icky? Well I could no longer stand it, I knew I had to get a new one from the supply cabinet. (but to me that just seemed like such a waste) I mean I knew the next one would be clean but boring and that I would never be totally happy with it, so I decided to make it pretty! I like to surround myself with pretty things! (who doesn't?) So I was like "ok I am going to give this pad a full body makeover"!!! So I knew I had some pretty fabric sitting around at home that would look lovely on it! All I needed was something to go under it  you know to cover up the fabric so I thought well maybe felt?? And then thought no that would slide around too much so I looked up and down the aisles at the craft store and found foam! Duh, Why didn't I think of it sooner? And for 30 cents a piece I was happy :)

So here is what you will need for this project:

- Fabric (Make sure you have enough to doubled it so your mouse pad doesn't show through)
- Mod Podge (Glue)
- Foam paint brush (For brushing your glue on)
- Foam (They come in squares at the craft store)

Step One:

Cut your fabric & foam to size  (Sorry no pictures, but this is pretty self explanatory)

Step Two:

Put mouse pad face down on folded fabric.

Step Three:

Start applying glue to the back edges of the mouse pad, all the way around. Then put your fabric on top of the glue folding as needed. (Again very easy no pictures)

Step Four:

After all the pieces are glued down go over the top of them with more glue to make sure they are really stuck down!

Step Five:

Cover one size of the foam with glue. Then paste on the back of your mouse pad. Then maybe get a heavy book and leave it on top of the mouse pad all night to make sure it all holds together!

And that's it, it's that easy! So for the cost of 30 cents I have this completely cute totally functional mouse pad! Check it out!

Here is the finished product! (Sorry the picture is so bad it was taken at night!)

Back view!

And here she is in her home on my desk at work! Isn't she pretty??
 I hope you all have a blessed day!

I am linking up to this party:

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